To help today’s businesses achieve healthcare options with MORE benefits and BETTER value!
By partnering with a growing number of aggregator groups such as Trade Associations, Chambers of Commerce, Consortiums, and more, we're able to lower healthcare costs while increasing benefits.
The best pricing in the nation on Total Healthcare Coverage that goes well beyond just robust major medical insurance.
In a competitive market for top talent, companies are always searching for ways to be better. It is our mission to help those companies achieve better value and increased benefits, so they can attract and retain the best employees.
Partnering with Associations, Chambers of Commerce, and Trade Groups, we're able to get better negotiating power. With over 4.4 Million members represented, from all kinds of industries, we have the leverage to make carriers take notice.
Guaranteed BEST PRICING on coverage from the HIGHEST QUALITY networks on the planet, that looks out for you and your employees from the very first dollar. That's not just an insurance plan. That's Total Coverage!
Timeframe: 10 minutes
Sign up for an easy link to send employees to complete their initial consultation and find what is important to them, so the optimal solution can be presented.
There’s a quick form with video walkthrough and live chat support for them. Information is always kept private and confidential and the whole process takes less than 10 minutes.
Timeframe: 30 days
Within 30 days you’ll be presented the best priced total coverage package.
Because you’ve provided access for your employees, the best solutions are matched ensuring each individual receives the right fit for their needs at the best value.
Timeframe: 90 days
If you choose to move forward, you’ll receive total coverage at the lowest price in the country, from one of the top carriers nationwide and with personal concierge support.
You can choose to contribute to the premiums or not, and at whatever level of contribution best suits you, giving your company true leverage in retaining top talent.